Friday, 20 February 2015

My treat.....

 For the love of God...Can someone explain to our PM that work colleagues are NOT friends or family.
You take friends and family for pastizzi and te' tat-titotla, not PMs.

I am not much of an expert on protocol, but look at the bemused expression the guy on the left has...he clearly is not exactly overjoyed. And please, no one says he's got resting bitch face, ta.
Maybe the decor was not to his taste (let's be honest..a table that has seen God alone knows what, tiles that are either chipped or cracked, and a waiter wearing a stained tee...if they were lucky enough not to catch him in a string vest.... with chest hair poking out of the neckline).
Or maybe, he did not quite like the pastizzi and te' tat-titotla (heqq..that can happen too)
Or he was just wondering why the hell was someone taking his picture in this dump, presumably to put on social media later.

I would not be surprised if this ruffled a few EU feathers. This is like our PM making a state visit to the US and Donald Trump takes him for a burrito from a street vendor...though, it probably wouldn't be a burrito, would it? What with America First, and all that.

I am no snob.. I can slum it with the best of them, and as a Malteser living abroad, I was quite happy to see Angela Merkel scarf a hobz biz-zejt, like we do.

But this....this makes us look like idiots. And it's  not even a true slice of genuine Maltese life... how many of us hang around the pastizzeria, eating our purchases after we pay for them?
Imho, this is WORSE than Chris Cardona visiting a brothel.. because Cardona is a free agent, to a certain extent (even though ultimately, it's up to the PM to keep him in check - which he obviously is not doing atm). This was a stunt condoned and carried out directly and solely by the PM.

Is it that they do not know better?  Are they that parochial and provincial to not see this for the faux pas it is?

Is it that they do realise but frankly do not give a tuppenny damn?

Is it that this whole thing was meticulously planned, a thumbing of the nose at the EU PMs; enough to raise eyebrows, but small enough to pass off as a kind of "joke"? Was it a petty gesture to show that yea, we may be the smallest member state but hey, we're no less than you?

Whatever the reason for this latest stunt from our "unorthodox" government, it doesn't make us look good.


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