Saturday, 1 April 2017

This clip came up in my fb newsfeed this morning. Now I consider myself to be as much of a feminist as the next girl.. I regularly post on social media, calling out the oppression of women, in many different forms. I have lost count of the times I've written angry posts denouncing slut-shaming, victim-blaming, child-marriage, FGM, the inaccessibility of education for girls all over the world, lack of choices for women, the way religion is a crutch for men who seek to control. I've been called names too, for saying that real choice, real freedom is as unique as the individual, and it is may not necessarily be what we perceive to be freedom.

Yet, this clip floored me.. and made me think.  

I'm pretty sure the mom reassuring and comforting her daughter in the first few frames does not intend to normalise disrespect for her daughter; I have done the same with my own daughter countless times, and I definitely do not want to normalise disrespect for her. I definitely do not want my daughter to grow up thinking it is all right for a boy to be rude to her, that she is meant to be always a step behind a man.

And I'm sure I'm not the only mom who has done this with her kids.It is natural to want to comfort your child when she is hurting. It is how we have been 'comforted' time and again, when we were slighted and hurt by someone else. Ignore them. Rise above it.

It is instinctive to want to help prevent future hurt by being prepared. It is a natural defence mechanism and we all use it, to some extent...dumping someone before they have a chance to dump us, getting out of a job before we're actually fired, leaving a country before being asked to leave.

But it is time that we become more aware of the underlying subtext to our words, to the disturbing message behind our well-meaning words of comfort. And to call out that boy on disrespect.

For the past couple of days, I've been seething about the amount of people who are defending Mike Pence's misogynistic rule of not dining alone with women, other than his wife, and claiming that he is simply honoring his marriage vows. 

I personally think that fidelity within marriage, or even an exclusive relationship, should be a given. At the end of the day, it is basic respect to be honest with the person you claim to love. And, if Mike Pence wants to make a huge song and dance about his religious beliefs and how he lives his marriage, fine by me. 

But an inflexible refusal to dine with any woman other than his wife is not just about being faithful, not just about honoring his marriage vows. It is weird, misogynistic, demeaning, unprofessional and possibly illegal. How can you exclude half the human population from being alone with you in the same context, simply on the basis of their gender?  (Quite apart from the fact that with someone like Pence, I suspect that it is not only women who are on his list of people he will not be alone with....)

I should think it is obvious for anyone with any semblance of a brain, but seeing the vast amounts of people defending this particular choice, maybe all the things wrong with it, need to be spelled out clearly.

Pence's rule is under-pinned by the logic that women are vixens and temptresses, a danger to any married man who wants to be a good Christian and honour his marriage vows (like that is the exclusive preserve of Christians anyway).

The logic that a married woman has absolutely no relevance beyond being a wife and a mother, that she is not a person in her own right. 

The logic that married men are unable to enjoy a plate of pasta without being overwhelmed by uncontrollable urge to be unfaithful to their wives.

This is not simply a man wanting to honour his marriage vows.

This is a man who believes women are either Madonnas (like his wife), or whores (like the rest of the female population).

This is a man saying that a woman's sole purpose for even existing is to bear children.

This is disrespect.

 And like the disrespect inherent in the boy being rude to the girl in the clip, it is buried under assumptions and cliches. 

Cliches that boys will be boys. And that men are somehow unsuspecting victims - of the women they have victimised forever. The age-old story of Adam being led into temptation by Eve. That women are evil, and need to be controlled and kept in check by the very men, whom they are supposed to victimise.

What bollocks!!!

Disrespect is disrespect and it is about time we start recognising it for what it is. If we don't, very little will ever change.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Happy Woman's Day

Happy Woman’s Day to the woman whose partner slashed her face with a knife over a missing fifty euro note, and got off with a suspended sentence.

Happy Woman’s Day to the woman whose partner was incriminated of defiling her daughter, as well as other girls, only for him to be put on with probation.

Happy Woman’s Day to the woman who lives in terror of her husband coming home to demand of her things that she does not dare to deny him.

Happy Woman’s Day to the girl who is currently being sexually abused by her dad, her grandad, her uncle, her brother .. the victim who does not even think of telling anyone about it, because she has been told time and again, and in so many ways that it is her fault, that she has no rights, that she must do as she is told.

Happy Woman’s Day to the woman who is a rape survivor and who has never told anyone. Because the shame and stigma attached to her ordeal are too great. Because sexual crimes are the only ones where, unlike other crimes, the victim is blamed, not the perpetrator. Because no one would ever believe her anyway. Because if she told, people would rip her to shreds; questioning her clothes, the amount she’d had to drink, what she said, what she did. Because even the case made its way to court, chances are he would walk, and be free to come after her again.

Happy Woman’s Day to the woman who deals with snide jokes and sexist comments on a daily basis, who when she complains of harassment, is told she is ‘reading too much into it.’

Happy Woman’s Day to the woman whose bosses impose a female dress code, which goes beyond anything they would expect of a man.

Happy Woman’s Day to women in Saudi Arabia and Iran - both countries where the hijab is obligatory, whether you want to wear it or not.

Happy Woman’s Day to Muslim women in France and Belgium – both countries where the hijab is 
banned, whether you want to wear it or not.

Happy Woman’s Day to the one in every three girls in developing countries who is married before she is eighteen, often to a much older husband.

Happy Woman’s Day to the girl whose family flew her out for a ‘holiday’ which resulted in her being cut (FGM) so that one day, she will be an attractive marriage prospect.

Happy Woman’s Day to the girl who will never get a proper education, who will live her life dependent on the goodwill of a man, first her father, and later her husband, with no rights whatsoever.

Happy Woman’s Day to the sixteen-year-old girl whose “overprotective” father puts up posts on social media saying things like “MY little girl” or “What you do to her, I’ll do to you” in an only semi-jokey ‘warning’ to potential boyfriends

Happy Woman’s Day to the teen girl whose family are organising a purity ball for her, giving her a purity ring, and expect her to remain a virgin till marriage.

Happy Woman’s Day to the woman who has found her reproductive rights curtailed by the various new legislation that has been passed in recent months.

Happy Woman’s Day to lesbian and transgender women.. Kudos to you for being true to yourself, for not giving up in face of injustice, hatred and even cruelty, and for being an example to the rest of us.

Happy Woman’s Day to women everywhere in countries that profess equality but in reality, are still a very long way from proper equality.

Happy Woman’s Day to those women among us who cannot understand that the oppression is anything that curtails our choice, that the freedom to choose is real equality. To those who still think that you must have certain beliefs, make certain choices, smash certain ceilings in order to be free of oppression.

Happy woman’s day to my daughter…may you always have the freedom to make your own choices without any constraints, from anyone or anything.

The freedom to make the choices we want to make is our greatest victory. Let us support and help each other in our quest for fulfilment, regardless of what shape that fulfilment may take. The choices we make should be the ones best suited for us, as individuals. To quote one of my heroes, the late Dr. Maya Angelou we are all phenomenal, phenomenal women.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

My treat...

 For the love of God...Can someone explain to our PM that work colleagues are NOT friends or family.
You take friends and family for pastizzi and te' tat-titotla, not PMs.

I am not much of an expert on protocol, but look at the bemused expression the guy on the left has...he clearly is not exactly overjoyed. And please, no one says he's got resting bitch face, ta.
Maybe the decor was not to his taste (let's be honest..a table that has seen God alone knows what, tiles that are either chipped or cracked, and a waiter wearing a stained tee...if they were lucky enough not to catch him in a string vest.... with chest hair poking out of the neckline).
Or maybe, he did not quite like the pastizzi and te' tat-titotla (heqq..that can happen too)
Or he was just wondering why the hell was someone taking his picture in this dump, presumably to put on social media later.

I would not be surprised if this ruffled a few EU feathers. This is like our PM making a state visit to the US and Donald Trump takes him for a burrito from a street vendor...though, it probably wouldn't be a burrito, would it? What with America First, and all that.

I am no snob.. I can slum it with the best of them, and as a Malteser living abroad, I was quite happy to see Angela Merkel scarf a hobz biz-zejt, like we do.

But this....this makes us look like idiots. And it's  not even a true slice of genuine Maltese life... how many of us hang around the pastizzeria, eating our purchases after we pay for them?
Imho, this is WORSE than Chris Cardona visiting a brothel.. because Cardona is a free agent, to a certain extent (even though ultimately, it's up to the PM to keep him in check - which he obviously is not doing atm). This was a stunt condoned and carried out directly and solely by the PM.

Is it that they do not know better?  Are they that parochial and provincial to not see this for the faux pas it is?

Is it that they do realise but frankly do not give a tuppenny damn?

Is it that this whole thing was meticulously planned, a thumbing of the nose at the EU PMs; enough to raise eyebrows, but small enough to pass off as a kind of "joke"? Was it a petty gesture to show that yea, we may be the smallest member state but hey, we're no less than you?

Whatever the reason for this latest stunt from our "unorthodox" government, it doesn't make us look good.
