Monday, 12 March 2018

Omg! The mealy-mouthedness

So, when public opinion showed that it was against the proposed pension reform for MPs, the government dropped the proposed law.
And on cue, the leader of the Opposition issued this statement.

No matter that the system is already grossly unfair as it is... and that normal pensioners struggle to get by on a miserly pension. The MPs come out smelling of roses, because the people spoke and they listened.

What the people need to do is wake the hell up. That this change was even considered by the overwhelming majority of MPs  signifies at the very least, that they are completely out of touch with their electorate, with the very people they depend on to get elected to Parliament in the first ruddy place.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

okay, so according to Xarabank...
Malta now can boast that 33%  of those who look up porn are women (the highest anywhere in the world) .. Nice to see that we are getting on with this equality thing, hux?

Also according to Xarabank...
giantess and vore porn are two of the most popular categories looked up by Maltese people.
It seems we're  not content with dominating the other; we want to swallow the other up whole. A true reflection of Maltese society today.
And then they say that statistics lie.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

To the friend who ghosted me

I miss talking to you
Sometimes I feel like you’re ghosting me...
And I wonder whatever the fuck did I do so bad 
to deserve being dropped like a rotten egg.
It hurts.
But yea, well.... another knock, I guess. 
So what; I can handle this too.
I’m a bit angry too..
Because I think I deserve some sort of explanation for 
total silence
....not left to figure it out for myself.
And heck, I did nothing as far as I know, to deserve it.
But god knows, other things happened to me, 
and I’d done fuck-all to deserve them.
So, I guess.... I’ll just have to deal with this as best I can.
I don’t regret having been in your life, 
or even telling you stuff.
I don’t regret that I came to enjoy 
our time together so much...
even though it hurts like fuck 
now that you have no time for me.
I just regret my stupid judgement.. 
thinking hey, here’s someone who cares 
disinterestedly, and unconditionally.
I still care, and yes, I’m fucking stupid, 
but if you ever call me saying 
hey sorry, it’s been ages since we last talked, 
but hey I need a shoulder...
...I’ll be there.
Because I truly think that caring about someone 
has to have no strings attached... 
otherwise you’re just using that person.
So.... I guess, you won’t be hearing 
much from me in the future
I’m sorry it got to this.
I’m still not sure why, actually.
Was it something I did, or said, 
or did not say, or did not do?
I said I’m angry. 
Well, I’m sad more than angry.
Sad because I care

And I thought you do too